Text: Quatre pechés mortels (aka Comment IIII pechiés mortelz sont signifiés par quatre bestes sauvages)

Four Mortal Sins (aka How 4 Mortal Sins are Represented by Four Savage Beasts)


Found in:


Author: Anonymous

Translator Unknown


  • Animal
  • Devotional
  • Didactic
  • Pedagogical
  • Prose
  • Religious

Ownership Details

BnF fr. 916 owned by Charlotte of Savoy, queen of France (post-1476?-December 1483). Ownership Possible with Inventory as evidence.

BnF fr. 916 owned by Jacques d'Armagnac (20 April 1474-1476). Ownership Confirmed with Other as evidence.

BnF fr. 916 owned by Peter II of Bourbon (1476?-1502). Ownership Possible with Other as evidence.

Magdalen College MS lat. 41 owned by Barking Abbey (26 February 1474-1539?). Ownership Confirmed with Inscription as evidence.

Magdalen College MS lat. 41 owned by Elizabeth (Howard) de Vere, countess of Oxford (14??-26 February 1474). Ownership Confirmed with Inscription as evidence.
